Established in 1952, TEEAM, also known as The Electrical and Electronic Association of Malaysia, is a representative body of the electrical and electronics industries in Malaysia. 

TEEAM is officially represented in various government councils and committees, and it is an appointed Standards Wiring Organisation (SWO) for electrical and electronics products and services. TEEAM is also represented in the ASEAN Consultative Committee for Standards & Quality (ACCSQ) Joint Sectorial Committee on Electrical & Electronics Equipment (JSCEEE) and is a founding member of the ASEAN Federation of Electrical Engineering Contractors (AFEEC). 

Presently, TEEAM has approximately 1,800 members from state associations all over Malaysia, and it is actively working with the government, statutory bodies and the private sector to ensure and promote orderly growth and development of the electrical and electronics industries. 

Website: www.teeam.org.my